What you need to do
You will have been notified by email that Sulets are giving you the option to be released from your tenancy for the final period of your contract. If you are moving out from your All Inclusive Tenancy, then there are some essential actions for you to complete to ensure that your contract is cancelled, and you incur no additional costs.
In line with our existing moving put policy and instructions:
You must move out of the residence promptly at the end of the contract (or by 30 April 2020 for Early Release due to Covid-19).
- Charges will be incurred if the house has to be cleaned and this will be the responsibility of the entire household. All items left in a property after the contract ends will be disposed of immediately. Residents will incur charges if this happens.
- If you are returning to the same house next year as a group, it will be possible for you to leave items in the house over the 2020 summer period due to the exceptional circumstances created by Covid-19.
- Before you leave: Contact Royal Mail (postoffice.co.uk) to redirect your post (Sulets accepts no responsibility for mislaid or lost mail and cannot re-enter the property to claim mail delivered after the contract ends)
Returning keys
At the end of your contract, your keys must be returned to Sulets.
Failure to do this will result in a lock change being carried out at the property, for which you will be charged. Even if you are returning to the same house the following year, you must still return your keys to Sulets. This continues to apply even if you have been released from your tenancy early.
To return your keys you need to:
Put your keys in an envelope with your Full Name and Home Address written on the front. Put this envelope into another envelope and post to:
c/o 130 Welbeck Street
You need to send the keys Special Delivery and you will need to have posted the keys to arrive with us by Thursday 30 April 2020 if you are taking up the offer of Early Release due to Covid-19.